Chiropractic Diet for 2020

Chiropractic Diet for 2020

Here is a Chiropractic Diet for 2020 that can help with, weight loss, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, and high inflammation or pain. Removing these from your life will help you with overall  pain, including your back, neck, hips and joints.

If you are a cafe of life chiropractic patient,  you know that we spend a lot of time researching the very best ways to help people. I am happy to say that I am quite thrilled with the Ideal Protein Program, and here’s why:

  1. Results we have found.

    Women lose an average of 3 to 5 pounds a week, and men lose about 4 to 7 pounds a week.

  2. It is a medically designed and supported.

    The program was designed by an M.D./Ph.D. who worked with Olympic athletes. It has the full support of a medical board of experts, who are available to answer questions at any time.

  3. Great tasting food.
    There are over 60 different foods to choose from, with many different tastes and textures. You will use an Ideal Protein food for breakfast, lunch and a snack. Also for lunch you will have your own vegetables and a salad. For dinner you have your own chicken, meat, or fish together with your own vegetables and a salad.
  4. Easy and convenient.

    You don’t have to think about counting calories or calculating anything, you just follow the program and the weight will drop away.

  5. You don’t feel hungry and you have great energy.

    Dieters typically have greater energy, mental clarity, and sense of well-being.

  6. A smooth transition to your own healthy food.

    Once you reach your target weight, You will receive complete coaching in exactly what foods to eat at what time of day to keep your weight off – and exactly what to do if you gain a few pounds.

  7. A health transformation.

    Perhaps most importantly, the Ideal Protein Program improves the health of your entire body – providing significant and measurable improvements in diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many other dangerous health conditions. In many cases, dieters can reduce or even eliminate many of their medications for these conditions.

How The Ideal Protein Program Works

Your body gets fuel from three sources – from glucose, which it makes from carbs; from protein, which it gets from meat, fish, cheese, beans, etc.; and from fat, which it gets from – well, fat. Your body will use the glucose right away, and what it can’t use right away it will store. Some of the glucose gets stored in your liver and most if it gets stored in your body as that ugly fat that you so want to get rid of.
So how do we get rid of this extremely pesky fat? The first thing is to greatly restrict the amount of carbohydrates that you have every day. This takes away the glucose that your body needs for fuel and forces your body to use either protein or fat. We don’t want your body to start breaking down its own muscles to use protein for fuel, so in the Ideal Protein Program we give you the exact amount of protein that your body needs to maintain your muscle mass.
Now your body is forced to use its third energy source for fuel – its own body fat. Your body goes into the state of burning its own fat for fuel, which is called ketosis. The Ideal Protein Program is very precisely balanced to keep your body in this special fat burning state. In ketosis your liver produces special substances called ketones, which reduce hunger dramatically, and make you feel really good. Not only are you not hungry, but your energy is high and you have a wonderful sense of well-being.

How It’s Different

Very simply, most other weight-loss programs don’t have a system for putting you into this special fat burning state and keeping you there. As a result, weight loss is not as fast or as permanent as with the Ideal Protein Program, and you don’t feel as good while you are on the program.
Most weight loss programs just reduce your total calories, or in other words, your total intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. You will lose weight if you do this, but since you are reducing the amount of protein that you are eating, you will consume some of your own muscle mass to make up for the missing protein that you need. When you lose muscle mass, you lower your metabolic rate from that time on, which makes it a lot easier for you to regain the weight you lost when you stop your diet. This explains the yo-yo dieting phenomenon – why so many people lose weight on a diet and then gain the same amount right back after the diet, or often even more.

Conquering Syndrome X

What do obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol (collectively called Syndrome X) have in common, and how could they all be improved by one program? The answer lies in the hormone called insulin.
Insulin has two functions. First, it is like the key that unlocks the cells in your body so that glucose can get into the cells and provide energy. If this insulin key is not functioning properly, you won’t have enough energy, and you’ll be constantly tired and hungry. Secondly, insulin takes excess glucose that the body can’t use immediately and stores it as fat.

If you eat too many carbs, you produce too much insulin. Your cells develop a tolerance or resistance to the excess insulin. This is called insulin resistance. Now insulin cannot act as the key to allow glucose into the cells, and the extra glucose gets stored as fat. So if your cells are insulin resistant, a lot of what you eat gets turned into fat. You become a fat-storing machine.
This causes obesity. And the excess glucose floating in your bloodstream also causes, by a chain of physiological reactions, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Overall Health

Their has been remarkable results and you can research them for yourself. Contact Cafe of life chiropractic today if you are experiencing pain and we can set up a consultation to find out how we can improve not just your spine but your overall health.


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